What a month it has been! It was my first time to do facilitating work relevant to equipment acquisition, and everything has been so cooperative (thank God!). The only thing that's keeping me from getting giddy with anticipation over the delivery of those servers is the fact that the PO hasn't been issued yet. It seems to me that Purchasing people have this degree of power over everyone else, in the sense that they can always mull over our longing to have stuff bought right away and decide to do delaying tactics just for the hell of it. I wished we had arrived earlier for the second day round of technical sessions of the 1st ICT summit held here. Flight delays brought about by the big typhoon caused major shifting of schedules and I'm pretty sure a lot of people missed the sessions they signed up for, except maybe for those ICT die-hards who spent three whole days there and attended all the tracks they could. Dominique Cimafranca of IBM was to talk about Data Management St
Thoughts, musings, and asides of a corporate IT guy away from home.