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Showing posts from May, 2009

In other news

I’ve gone impulsive again. I was waiting for a good time to make this personal (more or less) blog, public.   But then I realize that I may have just been waiting for my hair to grow back.  Believe me, that’s going to take much, much longer! I may as well chronicle everything now that my kids are growing up.  I also think that I and my wife are now going through that most interesting phase of life, and it’s probably worth writing about.  Nothing related to midlife crisis yet, thank God, but definitely worth sharing. All of my tech posts are now on (about time!!) Do you think it’s better this way?

Export TweetDeck groups in Ubuntu

If you have multiple installs of TweetDeck on different computers, I bet you wished there were ways to save the groups you set up. These groupings are not saved in your Twitter profile, but are kept in a local database in your computer. This means that for each install of TweetDeck, you will have to re-set up your groups, and any changes won't replicate to your other installs. This post about copying TweetDeck settings in Windows explains this in detail, and I have been able to do the same for Ubuntu, replicating TweetDeck settings across 3 machines. Just take note of some of the differences that I'm going to point out here. Adobe Air for Linux uses the .appdata directory in your home directory, for profile settings, configurations, etc. In the computer that has your groups and is the source for the export, change working directory into .appdata , and look for the TweetDeckFast.{some hash here} . jon@jedi-ntbk:~$ cd .appdata jon@jedi-ntbk:~/.appdata$ ls Adobe cookie_file.t

In other news

I’ve gone impulsive again. I was waiting for a good time to make this personal (more or less) blog, public.   But then I realize that I may have just been waiting for my hair to grow back.  Believe me, that’s going to take much, much longer! I may as well chronicle everything now that my kids are growing up.  I also think that I and my wife are now going through that most interesting phase of life, and it’s probably worth writing about.  Nothing related to midlife crisis yet, thank God, but definitely worth sharing. All of my tech posts are now on (about time!!) Do you think it’s better this way?


This is my favorite group pic so far. Ate Kysa quit asking us to let her carry Miguel for this shot. What do you think?