I am one with the millions of CSI fans raring to watch the 2-hour season finale of the top rated series on television. Quentin Tarantino has been tapped to direct this one and I'm sure it'll be a very, very good 2 hours. My daughter needs to sleep a good hour before that starts because she won't sleep if she sees CSI on. Like father, like daughter. I posted this on my tech blog , but I feel that I'll probably have more people see it here in LJ, which will hopefully translate to more ready answers for me. I did a script that displays my planner's buffer files. It would've been easier if I used emac's wiki publishing, but I wanted to format the output so that it'll look good on wp, and decided on it otherwise. Save for some quirks on the display, my tasks list shows up just fine. I was asking around earlier about system-dependent directory reading methods. I couldn't get my display to sort properly. So what exactly is the order in which directory items...
Thoughts, musings, and asides of a corporate IT guy away from home.