I was looking for a quick and painless way to determine what IP addresses used our web app the most and stumbled across this excellent post . I got reminded of the power of the command-line interface and that often, I underestimate the way these commands are supposed to make a sysad's life easier. So here's a quick tip for counting unique visitors to your web app. Locate your web app's log file and do a quick scan of the last few lines. In my case, this is what I saw: - - [10/Jul/2010:00:57:29 -0400] "POST /v2/api/execute.php?method=upload_time&ver=win1.1.15 HTTP/1.1" 200 116 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" - - [10/Jul/2010:00:57:30 -0400] "POST /v2/api/execute.php?method=timestat&ver=win1.1.15 HTTP/1.1" 200 288 "-" "Mozilla/5.0" - - [10/Jul/2010:00:57:29 -0400] "POST /v2/api/execute.php?method=offtime&ver=win1.1.15 HTTP/1.1" 200 19 "-" "Mozilla/5....
Thoughts, musings, and asides of a corporate IT guy away from home.