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End-of-the-month TODOs


I have again changed the look of my tech blog. I've actually mulled over this for quite some time since I was also thinking of just moving everything to my own hosted Wordpress install. But, lazy as I am, I was content to tweak as little as I can. Posterous has a few really nice themes built-in so moving my stuff out was really a bad idea.

In case you're curious, here are some of the things that I intend to complete this month:

1. Finish half of my self-imposed OpenStack Compute reading assignment. Oh wait, that wouldn't be half, since I intend to test run an OpenStack Compute instance. :p

2. With my buddy Romar, complete and deploy a hosting infrastructure over AWS, using of all things, Pound as a proxy, with lots of small and micro EC2 instances serving data from a single, extra large and high-memory RDS instance.

3. Upgrade the main EC2 instance where Pound lives so it can take a beating. I will most likely do some tests with the actual traffic in order to determine if Pound is memory or CPU extensive; and this will help me decide which type of instance to upgrade to later on.

4. Upload one of my audio rants as a podcast. My being slightly OC doesn't help at all, really. I got half a mind wanting to redo them.

5. Complete a custom theme for my wife's food blog. Yeah, I owe her big time. Maybe I ought to bump this up to #1.

If you do stuff like I do, I'd be glad to hear from you.



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