10 years ago, I wouldn't be complaining at all. I could live in a datacenter for days until the job's done. But these days, my back aches are more pronounced, and fatigue sets in more easily. This is why it's always great to have others helping out. Thanks to the CISO and PPO teams for making the migrations happen! I may have gotten older but the one thing that doesn't change is the thrill of the job.
My family isn't as thrilled, naturally. While it's the Christmas break, they spend each day mostly without me. And when I do get home, everyone's too tired to stay up; especially me. Sometimes I wished we could schedule downtime at work other than during holidays. But that's how a sysad's life goes. Meantime, there's going to be a ton of making up with the family in the next few days.
Check out some of the photos here. A happy and prosperous new year to all!
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