- 1. test batch nos. 003442 (solomon) and 003444 (intra)
- 2. per InvtID, pick up LotSerNbr(s) as required or set by needed quantity, and insert corresponding number of rows in LotSerT
- 3. if i will require 3 serials, then the top non-zero LotSerNbr's will be retrieved and inserted accordingly to LotSerT
- 4. during release by solomon, QtyOnHand will be set to 0 and a new row will be created for the same item, with QtyOnHand set to 1, indicating that the item has moved locations/sites. no modification/update necessary for intranet
- 5. to supply the defaults for LotSerT, with appropriate values for LotSerNbr, LineNbr, LineRef, etc.
Thoughts, musings, and asides of a corporate IT guy away from home.
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